Friday, April 20, 2007

Patriotism at its finest!

I couldn't help but laugh at this juxtoposition - i guess its our god given right (as Americans, of course) to create hazardous waste. Heck, it's even patriotic.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Coit Murals

In the lobby of Coit Tower (San Francisco) are murals dating to the mid-1930's. They were commissioned by the WPA project and capture California as it emerges into a world economy. The colors, perspective and themes capture what must have been a magical time in the State. Click here to see more images.

Lunar Eclipse from Alcatraz

I've been bad about updating the site. Last month we went with the cousins on the night tour of Alcatraz (highly recommended) and were fortunate to catch a full lunar eclipse. It took some doing to balance the camera and figure out the exposure but finally success. Click on the photo as it's best viewed at full resolution.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Morning on Oak Springs

I've been passing by this beautiful old tree and rock on my morning run. This morning, despite sub-30 degree weather I got up the hill early with my camera to try and capture the stunning light. More pictures are here.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Winter break in Carlsbad

Carlsbad was the destination for our now annual winter trip with the grandparents. It was a great launching pad for high energy kid places like Legoland, San Diego Wild Animal Park and Seaworld (I believe!). This guy apparently came about 30 years ago and hasn't left. All the pictures are posted here.
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